Georgia Leadership Institute for School Improvement
At the first Quarterly Board Meeting of the Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education (GPEE) in Febuary, the topic was school improvement. The tone of the meeting was set by GPEE President Dr. Stephen Dolinger when he asked the opening questions:
*What Does Success Look Like?
*What Are Your Metrics?
*What Are You Measuring?
The presentation, Evidence of Impact: Seeing Bottom Line Results was offered by the Georgia
Dr. Wendy Ruona from the University of Georgia, spoke next on the research method, Success Case Methodology. In this part of the presentation, Dr. Ruona talked about the factors that make a difference towards change, capturing ways of doing the work, and providing evidence of and stories that point to change.
Three Georgia Superintendents who have worked with GLISI shared stories from their school systems and served on the panel that concluded the GPEE meeting.
View Opening Remarks and Presentations by Deb Page and Wendy Ruona
View Dade County's Definition of Leadership, Dade County Schools, Ms. Patty Priest, Superintendent

View Implementing GLISI Initiatives to Increase the Graduation Rate in Jones County, Jones County Schools, Dr. Jim LeBrun, Superintendent
View Panel and Closing Remarks

Contact the Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education (GPEE)regarding details of the May 5, 2009 Quarterly Board Meeting.
Production Assistance was provided by Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB).