Carver-Columbus & Baldwin HS
Beyond the Game
Beyond the Game
Friday night is Football night for most Georgia high schools. Georgia Public Broadcasting and Score Atlanta are collaborating to cover the 2009 high school football season from the first game to the season championships at the Georgia Dome. Check out the Football Fridays in Georgia website for stats, interviews and live streaming of the game. We are all proud of our student athletes and their accomplishments on the field each week. Here are some facts and programs you might not know about our featured schools.
3100 8th Street
Columbus, GA 31906
Columbus, GA 31906
On Fridays, the "on the field focus" is on the student athletes and the game they play. Mr. Christopher Lindsey, Carver Principal, asked Georgia Graduation Stories to focus on Carver's Math, Science, & Technology magnet program for our Beyond the Game feature. Thank you to Ms. Joyce Lee for providing information on the Integrated Math, Science & Technology Magnet Program (IMST).
Begun in 1991, Carver's IMST program was designed to serve students who exemplify a strong interest and aptitude in Math and in Science combined with an emphasis on Tech
nology. Students with a strong interest in Math, Science and Technology move through a hands-on curriculum in those areas. In addition, the program offers a well rounded, individualized curriculum for all students. To qualify for the IMST program at Carver, students must successfully complete Advanced Math and maintain a cumulative average of 3.0 or higher in all Math and Science courses. In addition, prospective students must present a letter of recommendation from both a Science and a Math teacher, acceptable scores on standardized tests and an interview with the Principal or Lead Teacher. Magnet School students are required to balance accomplishments at the school with those in the community. For school, each student develops and completes an in-depth research project and a senior seminar. In addition, each student is required to volunteer a minimum of 20 hours annually toward Service Learning and must participate in various Math and Science competitions.

* 100% pass rate on all portions of the Georgia High School Graduation Test on the first attempt
*Presidential scholarships to major universities
*Recruitment of graduations by such post secondary institutions as University of Georgia, Georgia Tech, Auburn University, Vanderbilt, Notre Dame and Tuskegee
*Student appointment to the United States Military Academ at West Point and to the United States Naval Academy
*Winner of Sony Student Abroad Program in Japan
*Regional and state winners at Science Fair and at Math competions
110 North ABC Street
Milledgeville, GA 31061
Mr. Lyn Chandler, Principal, provided background information on Baldwin that describes a
Educating Everyone Takes Everyone
Educate to Graduate
Milestones for Baldwin High School include:
*Govenor's Challenge Cup Award for Gain on the SAT
*Georiga Work Ready Grant
*II-D ITEE Grants in Science & Math
*Enterprise Small Learning Communities Grant
*GLRS SPDG Project (Georgia Graduation / Dropout Prevention Project
Athletics, particularly Football and Basketball, are an outstanding feature at Baldwin High
The big news is that Baldwin High School is renovating and building a new Fine Arts Center
See more pictures in a slide show format.
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